Shamanic Mandala -Nature's Way
Module 1 – Earth TBC
Become your own healer: Release your Story
Our journey begins in the South, where you learn to shed your past like a serpent sheds her skin. By doing this, you can become unencumbered by family drama, no longer fated to develop the physical ailments that your family of origin suffered or repeat old psychological patterns related to them. But shedding the past is not easy. The tragic stories and ailments do not go away by magic. They have to be burned and consumed by an inner fire generated by awakening the power of the coiled serpent: the Kundalini power.
In this module we will honour:
Mama Quillia: New Moon
Archetypal Meditation & Earth Mandala Practice
In this module we will learn:
An overview of the Andean Wisdom Wheel
To ground with Serpent Wisdom
To hold a Serpent Fire Ceremony
To Sequence with Intention
The Shamanic Mandala Sequence
Shamanic Breathing exercise

Module 2 – Water TBC
The power of the divine feminine
In Western culture, we value the mind for making sense of the world and our experiences. But while we might think we possess our mind, our mind can possess us. The challenge of jaguar in the wisdom wheel does not require you to cut your brain out of your head or make it your enemy. It requires you to optimize your brain, detoxifying it and upgrading it so that you can attain the wisdom gift of jaguar: the conquering of your primal and existential fears, especially your fear of death and your fear of being hurt by love. It’s fear that keeps you attached to things you need to let die. It’s fear that keeps you from moving forward into unfamiliar territory with the ease of a jaguar exploring the unknown. It’s fear that causes you to focus on the power to dominate others and get them to follow your will when it’s the power to collaborate and co-create that you’ve been missing—the power of the divine feminine.
In this module we will honour:
Mama Quillia: Full Moon
Archetypal Meditation & Water Mandala Practice
In this module we will learn
Jaguar Wisdom
Jaguar Fire Ceremony
The Shamanic Mandala Namaskar
Shamanic Breathing exercise
To work with your shadow.
- To use tracking to connect to right action.
- Receive the gifts from your ancestors.
Module 3 – Fire TBC
Dream your world into being
When we have the gift of hummingbird wisdom, we spare ourselves much suffering because we know when to speak and when to be silent, when to act and when to simply observe. We stop getting in our own way as we reclaim our birthright as co-creators of beauty and harmony and as sages drawing upon wisdom beyond our own. We redefine what our “work” is: we stop mistaking our career or job for what we are here to do. All of us are here to be, to learn, to teach, to heal, to inspire, and so on, and this work can take many forms, changing over time.
In this module we will honour:
Mama Quillia: New Moon
Archetypal Meditation & Fire Mandala Practice
In this module we will learn:
Hummingbird Wisdom
Hummingbird Fire Ceremony
Expanding the Shamanic Mandala – how to build your practice
To Practice Listening
Shamanic Breathing exercise

Module 4 – Air TBC
Wheels of Light
Eagle medicine is the gift of knowing that you are significant despite how very small you are. It’s knowing that each step you take, each word you speak, can be an expression of love and that this lays the foundation for a new vision, a new way of being.
In this module we will honour:
Summer Solstice 20th June
Mama Quillia: Full Moon 22nd June
Archetypal Meditation & Air Mandala Practice
In this module we will learn:
Eagle Wisdom
Eagle Fire Ceremony
Shamanic Chakra Philosophy
Shamanic Mandala - Wheels of Light
A 4 module Online Course starting 6th May 2025
There are times in our lives when we face challenges and situations that might stop us on our path.
There might be things we've always wanted to do, but somehow we can't seem to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way.
Past wounds and toxic energies held in our chakras can manifest in our lives as stagnation and hardships. You might experience this as repeated failed relationships, health struggles, issues with accomplishing your goals, or persistent anxiety and depression.
While many people attempt to resolve their problems psychologically, the Shamanic perspective teaches us to go to the energetic level.
By working with our chakras to heal the imprints and wounds that affect us, we can experience massive shifts in our external circumstances.
Join me on this four day course, where we will explore the Shamanic chakra system, and gain valuble skills and tools for understanding how our negative patterns often stem from blocked energy in our chakras.
Through the physical practice of Shamanic Mandala Yoga we move to awaken and cleanse the chakras, and empower them through the four cardinal directions.
Together we will explore the themes and illnesses associated with each chakra. For example, issues related to fear, anxiety, lack, and insecurity are connected to the first chakra. When we identify these issues in our lives, we can then clear past imprints from that chakra to ensure that these patterns stop manifesting externally.
Watch as your world comes into alignment when you clear, heal and affirm your chakras.
A course for anyone who wants to illuminate, transform and grow.
Tuesday 6th & 20st May
Tuesday 3rd & 17th June
€108 / module
Payment to be completed two weeks before module starts.
You can choose to participate, live or receive the recordings, in all or selected modules.
Read more about each module here.
Includes a 60 min follow up coaching session.
CEP - Certificate given at the end of completed modules.
Limited spaces.