Introduktion till mindfulness
6 veckor med start 10:e oktober 2024
Kurs datum:
Torsdagar kl 17.30 -18.30
10:e oktober till 14:e november 2024
Pris: 1400:-
anmälan senast 4:e oktober
Plats: Soul Garden Yogakällaren, Bengtsfors
Kursen är på engelska med svensk översättning.
maila om du vill veta mer.
Är du intresserad av att prova på mindfulness?
Bra, då kan den här kursen vara något för dig! Kursen passar både dig som är helt nybörjare och du som har tränat mindfulness förut.
Mindfulness handlar om en väldigt grundläggande mänsklig kvalitet av närvaro. Något vi alla har erfarit. Kanske när vi gått i skogen, åkt motorcykel, eller stickat. Ofta så skymmer dock våra tankar den här närvaron som egentligen finns med oss hela tiden. Tankar är bra på många sätt men de kan lätt får oss att glömma vår upplevelse av nuet. Den enda tid vi verkligen lever. Istället fastnar vi i grubblerier över det som varit, eller i planer för framtiden.
Så mindfulness innebär alltså att vi lägger märke till vad vi upplever i nuet. Både i vad som sker runt omkring oss, och i vad som sker inuti oss, att vi är medvetna om vad vi känner och tänker. Utan att fastna i tankarna och känslorna.
Vi tränar mindfulness genom att vara aktivt medvetna i nuet på våra tankar, känslor, kroppar och på vår omgivning. Mindfulness handlar också om att vi odlar ett ickedömande och vänligt förhållningssätt till det vi upplever.
Shamanic Yin Yoga - Beauty Way
A 4 module Online Course starting 1st November 2024
According to the Inca worldview, the Moon was an expression of the divine feminine, magic, emotions, intuition, and also of death and rebirth.
In this four module course we will, through the Andean Shamanic tradition, and the stillness of Yin Yoga honour Mama Quillia and together explore:
The Yin Yoga practice
Yin Flow
Shamanic breathing exercises.
The Beauty Way
The Divine Feminine
Work with your shadow.
Practice listening.
Use tracking to connect to right action.
Receive the gifts from your ancestors.
Use the Andean Wisdom wheel to dream your world into being.
Connect to the Andean archetypical energies.
Through the wisdom of the Serpent we deepen the yin yoga practice to awaken and connect to our physical body. With Jaguar we process fear to quiet the mind and access our emotions. Hummingbird teaches us to listen for greater presence, to be, to learn, to teach, to heal, and to inspire. Eagle medicine is the gift of knowing that you are significant despite how very small you are. It’s knowing that each step you take, each word you speak, can be an expression of love and that this lays the foundation for a new vision, a new way of being.
Learn how you can infuse your teaching with Shamanic tools and techniques to deepen your Yin Yoga experience.
Each one of us has a journey and each journey is unique. Now is the time to embrace your destiny.
A course for any one who wants to cleanse, heal and transform.
Friday 1st & 15th Nov
+ Evening Fire Ceremony
Sunday 1st & 15th Dec
+ Evening Fire Ceremony
€108 / module
Payment to be completed two weeks before module starts.
You can choose to participate, live or receive the recordings, in all or selected modules.
Read more about each module here.
Includes a 60 min follow up coaching session.
CEP - Certificate given at the end of completed modules.
Send e-mail to reserve your spot.
Baskunskaper i yinyoga
6 veckor med start 6:e februari 2025
Är du nyfiken och vill veta mer om och fördjupa dig i Yinyoga?
Den här kursen ger en bra bas inom yinyogan där du får lära dig yinyogans grunder och syftet med yinyogan både fysiskt och mentalt.
Du får grundläggande kunskaper i yinyogans positioner både med och utan stöd. Vi kommer att gå djupare in i yin yoga positionernas anatomi och utforska hur du kan fördjupa din upplevelse av yin yogan.
Lika viktigt som själva positionen i sig är det att på ett korrekt och säkert sätt komma både i och ur positionerna.
För vem?
Du behöver inga förkunskaper för att gå kursen. Det räcker att du vill fördjupa din egen praktik och kunskap, är nyfiken och har ett öppet sinne.
Kurs datum:
Torsdagar kl 17.00 -18.30
6:e februari till 13:e mars 2025
maila om du vill veta mer.
Pris: 1700:-
anmälan senast 26:e januari
Plats: Soul Garden Yogakällaren, Bengtsfors
Kursen är på svenska.
Yin & Meridians 20hr TTC
Live Online March 2025
In this course you will learn the energetic aspects of Yin Yoga. You will gain knowledge about the Chinese meridian system and its effect on us and how we access this during the yin yoga classes. You will learn about your own body (all knowledge starts with yourself) as well as how you can see different body types in your yin yoga class and learn how to guide your students based on their conditions to get a nice yin yoga session with the benefits available to us in yin yoga.
Module 1 - Lower Body
Module 2 - Upper Body
Module 1 - 21st & 22nd March
Module 2 - 28th & 29th March
(including a 1 hour follow up session)
Shamanic Mandala - Wheels of Light
A 4 module Online Course starting 6th May 2025
There are times in our lives when we face challenges and situations that might stop us on our path.
There might be things we've always wanted to do, but somehow we can't seem to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way.
Past wounds and toxic energies held in our chakras can manifest in our lives as stagnation and hardships. You might experience this as repeated failed relationships, health struggles, issues with accomplishing your goals, or persistent anxiety and depression.
While many people attempt to resolve their problems psychologically, the Shamanic perspective teaches us to go to the energetic level.
By working with our chakras to heal the imprints and wounds that affect us, we can experience massive shifts in our external circumstances.
Join me on this four day course, where we will explore the Shamanic chakra system, and gain valuble skills and tools for understanding how our negative patterns often stem from blocked energy in our chakras.
Through the physical practice of Shamanic Mandala Yoga we move to awaken and cleanse the chakras, and empower them through the four cardinal directions.
Together we will explore the themes and illnesses associated with each chakra. For example, issues related to fear, anxiety, lack, and insecurity are connected to the first chakra. When we identify these issues in our lives, we can then clear past imprints from that chakra to ensure that these patterns stop manifesting externally.
Watch as your world comes into alignment when you clear, heal and affirm your chakras.
A course for any one who wants to illuminate, transform and expand their practice.
Module 1 - 6th May Ckakra 1 & 2 Earth Practice
Module 2 - 20th May Ckakra 3 & 4 Water Practice
Module 3 - 3rd June Ckakra 5 & 6 Fire Practice
Module 4 - 17th June Ckakra 7, 8 & 9 Air Practice
€108 / module
Payment to be completed two weeks before module starts.
You can choose to participate, live or receive the recordings, in all or selected modules.
Includes a 60 min follow up coaching session.
CEP - Certificate given at the end of completed modules.
Yin Yoga & Chakras
Live Online October 2025
The different chakras represent different functions in our bodies, minds and also different levels of consciousness. They also correlate to the different glands in the body.
Through guidance into each chakra, we can get in touch with what the different chakras stand for, start to open and see what we need to balance in ourselves and in life.
In this course you will get an insight into the chakras' meaning and signs of their balances or imbalances, as well as how you can create different yin yoga sessions with a focus on the chakras.
Module 1 - October 2025
Module 2 - October 2025
Time: Friday 5 - 9pm CET
Saturday 9am - 1pm CET
(including a 1 hour follow up session)
It is not about being perfect.
It’s about realizing your wholeness.​
Shamanic Mandala - Nature's Way
New Dates TBC
Wherever You Are Is The Perfect Place To Start
In this four module course you will, through the Andean Shamanic tradition, explore how to:
Create inspiring yoga sequences.
Infuse your teaching with Shamanic tools.
Shamanic breathing exercises.
Hold fire ceremonies.
Become your own healer.
Work with your shadow.
Practice listening.
Use tracking to connect to right action.
Receive the gifts from your ancestors.
Use the Andean Wisdom wheel to dream your world into being.
Connect to the Andean archetypical energies.
Through the wisdom of the Serpent we practice Shamanic Mandala to awaken and connect to our physical body. With Jaguar we process fear to quiet the mind and access our emotions. Hummingbird teaches us to listen for greater presence, to be, to learn, to teach, to heal, and to inspire. Eagle medicine is the gift of knowing that you are significant despite how very small you are. It’s knowing that each step you take, each word you speak, can be an expression of love and that this lays the foundation for a new vision, a new way of being.
Learn how you can create powerful yoga sequences and techniques that you can employ in your everyday life, as well as your teachings.
Each one of us has a journey and each journey is unique. Now is the time to embrace your destiny.
A course for any one who wants to illuminate, transform and expand their practice.
€108 / module
Payment to be completed two weeks before module starts.
You can choose to participate, live or receive the recordings, in all or selected modules.
Read more about each module here.
Includes a 60 min follow up coaching session.
CEP - Certificate given at the end of completed modules​
Attendance / Certification / Cancellation Policy
Students must complete all course work related to each course. 100% attendance is required at each course for the certification to be awarded. To receive your Certificate you must submit all your course work to your teacher within the agreed time period. Students who miss any online contact hours due to illness or unforeseen circumstances have one month to view recorded content. Students partaking in in-person trainings must make arrangements with course teacher to complete any missing content before certification is awarded.
It is your responsibility to read and understand our cancellation policy. No one books a training with the intention of cancelling it, but unexpected events do happen and we encourage you to double check the dates to ensure your attendance 100%. Once your payment has been received you will receive a confirmation email and the schedule will follow one week before we meet online or in-person. For in-person events you are responsible for your travel arrangements and for the courses which do not include accommodation and food it is your responsibility to make the appropriate arrangements. Our non refundable cancellation policy is in place to ensure the highest quality of service and experience for all. Exceptions cannot be made for any reason, including weather, injury/ illness, or personal emergencies. No refunds for arriving late or leaving early is available. All payments are non-refundable. Contact us for any further inquires about our policy.